The Most Epic Past Year Review – A Battle Plan

The Most Epic Past Year Review – A Battle Plan

With a Little Help from Our Friends

So many do a review at the end of the year, h/t @tferriss has covered why the end of the year during the holidays is a perfect time to reflect on the past year and to recalibrate yourself for the new year, and come up with your plan.

It’s a perfect transition period and a less busy lull in the year with some time to think and to go through reflection and thoughts about where your life is in a few dimensions.[…]

What is so important that you need to interrupt me in my private reflection period?

As the great White Goodman would often do, he knew the value of Private Reflection Periods.

Also, I like to use this as more of an 80/20 review.

Richard Koch, Mr. 80/20 himself wrote an entire book, that is my favorite book of all time, called:

Living the 80/20 way

You could buy this book, and map out an 80/20 goal, plan, and actions.

Celes wrote the quintessential guide to this process here, 80/20 your life! Goals! Path! Actions!:

I’ve gotten more value from this guide she wrote up than almost any article I’ve ever read online.

We all have goals, and all of us self-improvement/productivity nerds.. All have way too many goals…

But we are typically not chasing them well..

We are procrastinating so hardcore getting distracted from all the new shiny self-help articles and videos created every day, that we don’t actually progress and create and make things and art the world can benefit from.

So, I declare that the holiday season is the perfect private reflection period.

Go, and map out a brilliant efficient, 80/20 plan for the new year and…..

If you do this, all your wildest dreams will come true!!!

If you vote for me, all of your wildest dreams will come true.

Shout out H/T to:


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